Following along with Honda’s guidelines, we implemented the Honda colors – blue Pionite laminate countertops and @wilsonart dove gray laminate cabinets. In each station we built a cabinet with a lock and key for each employee’s personal belongings, a section of open cubbies for brochures & businesses cards, a monitor tower cabinet, and a recessed area for pens, calculators, staplers, etc. Two of them had printer stations that we built into the lower portion of the workstations. Of course, this came with many different power cables and cords, so we installed grommets in the countertops so everything could be hooked up and ready to go.
O’Brien loved the efficiency of the stations as well as the customization that allowed each service member to have his own unique station that he could wheel around to a different space whenever needed. After these were complete, we also helped them with an initial reception desk for their showroom. We built a curved countertop and desk where customers could come in and have their initial conversation with an O’Brien sales member.
We have been honored to continue our relationship with this O’Brien over the past couple years, doing other small projects here and there as well. A big thanks to O’Brien for allowing us the opportunity to build custom commercial cabinetry for you!